Scholars gone Wilde: an NEH Summer Seminar at the Clark

Published: August 9, 2012

Earlier this summer, the Clark Library was graced with the presence of 16 new scholars under the direction of UCLA Professor of English and authority on Oscar Wilde, Joe Bristow.  These 17 minds were gathered together for a five-week long National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar at the Clark Library entitled “Oscar Wilde and His Circle.”  As the third NEH seminar on Wilde to be held at the Clark, this incarnation made great use of Wilde’s manuscripts and personal papers, as well as extending the range of view to his circle of friends and colleagues.

The seminar’s participants met in the Clark’s Drawing Room for discussions, and used the reading room extensively, often doubling up on tables or queueing up to gain access to the same manuscript.  The library staff was kept on our toes, learning a lot more about the collection along the way.

Wilde Scholars in the Drawing Room

Many thanks to Professor Bristow and all of the scholars in attendance for giving such attention and life to our Oscar Wilde holdings.

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Chris Freeman on

We had a wonderful time at the Clark–you are terrific, generous hosts, and the facility is gorgeous. Thanks so much! Chris

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