Exhibition Opening! California Publishing & the Fine Press Tradition!

Published: September 13, 2010
Exhibition Opening: California Publishing and the Fine Press Tradition 1910-1970
Tuesday, October 5, 2010,
4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at The Clark Library

The relation between publishing and literary activity, visual art, and modern book design is showcased in an exhibition of fine press works from the rich holdings of the Clark Library. Publishing and limited edition presses in Southern California developed varied approaches to book design, influenced by European and American designers and illustrators. Printer and publisher, book designer, dealer, and patron intersected in local communities where regional and personal identities were formed—and where major collections were established. Included in the exhibition are notable examples that emulated the “ideal book” of the British Arts and Crafts movement and the venerated humanistic European printers of the 15th century, as well as many works that drew inspiration from developments in the modern art of printing and graphic arts.

This exhibit was organized by Professor Johanna Drucker and a graduate class in UCLA’s Department of Information Studies.  Please join us at the Clark Library for the opening and reception on Tuesday, October 5, 2010, 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

RSVP to the Center
(310) 206-5078

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Jamie on

Speaking of presses… did you know the Castle Press gives you COOKIES when they deliver an order?! They’re amazing! Chocolate chip with little… toffee bits or something. Apparently homemade. They delivered stuff today, so I just had one and thought of Clark Library press ephemera.

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