Congrats & Bye, Kathleen!

Published: June 25, 2013

Congratulations to Kathleen McSweeney, one our long-standing and dedicated library assistants, who graduated from UCLA with her MLIS degree in June!


Kathleen came to the Clark with experience working at the Palomar College Library and in Resource Sharing (ILL) at CSU, San Marcos. Here at the Clark, Kathleen was most passionate about our Edgar Allen Poe collections and became our expert rare book processor, working tirelessly on our collection of books and journals published by the Sette of Odd Volumes book club. She also focused on providing better access to our materials, updating the Oscar Wilde card catalog to better reflect the online finding aid, saving both researchers and staff time and effort in locating material. Kathleen provided top-notch reference for all of our scholars and helped train new library assistants in the ways (and secrets!) of the Clark. With her keen eye and dedicated attitude, she served as an excellent appraisal assistant and knew the entire Clark collection inside and out. Kathleen proved invaluable as our go-to birthday card designer and always worked hard to make sure our reading room had enough coverage, often volunteering to switch her schedule and always being the first one here in the morning. In her studies, Kathleen focused on improving access to collections for the disabled, and she will contribute immensely to the library world. We’ll miss seeing her bright and early every morning and can’t wait to see where she settles!

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