Prize-winning Undergraduate Research at the Clark

Published: April 26, 2013

We have recently learned that two students from Professor Joseph Bristow’s Winter 2013 Ahmanson Undergraduate Seminar at the Clark, “The Wilde Archive,” have won UCLA Library Prizes for Undergraduate Research because of their fantastic scholarly work with material in the Clark’s collections!  Elizabeth Pieslor and her paper “A Study of Oscar Wilde’s Published and Unpublished Epigrams and Aphorisms” has won in the category of Best Short Paper in the Arts and Humanities category, while Andra Lim and her paper “The Isis, the Spirit Lamp, and Male Sexuality: Oscar Wilde and Student Journalism at the University of Oxford 1892-1893″ won in the “Best Use of Clark Library Collections” category.

We are proud of Elizabeth and Andra and of the role the Clark’s collections have played in their excellent work!

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Joseph Bristow on

My warmest congratulations to Elizabeth and Andra on their truly spectacular and much-deserved success. All of us who participated in “The Wilde Archive capstone seminar (which the Ahmanson Foundation generously sponsored) would like to give our warmest thanks to the marvelous staff at the Clark Library for their unstinting support toward our research endeavors. Without the expertise of such gifted librarians, we would simply not have been able to unearth so many significant materials that have thrown fresh light on Oscar Wilde’s dazzling personal life and professional career.

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