The Sixth Annual Kenneth Karmiole Lecture on the History of the Book Trade: Bankruptcy and the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade A lecture at the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library by Christine Ferdinand, Magdalen College, University of Oxford. Saturday, 6th Nov. 3:00 p.m. Some eighteenth-century booksellers made mistakes that led to unplanned bankruptcy, despair, and even suicide,…
Read MoreThe Clog
Brief Landacre Press update
Published: October 7, 2010We apologize for not being very prompt in posting part 2 of our story of the Paul Landacre printing press. We have been waiting (and waiting) for official confirmation of the facts, which we thought we would have received before now. We have heard from another party affiliated with the International Printing Museum, though, who…
Read MoreItem of the Week: The Second Annex
Published: October 7, 2010The second annex is one of the most important parts of the Clark Library, but is an area few visitors will ever actually see. Part of the underground stacks, the second annex contains the majority of our rare books, manuscripts and artwork, and its doors are locked at all times. In 1968, however, when the…
Read MoreUpcoming library events…
Published: October 6, 2010More information to follow, but for now SAVE THE DATE(S)! October 22 at 3pm Mechanized Man Knows No Fancy: A Report on the Eric Gill visual archive project at the Clark Library: a talk by Jennifer Bastian -&- October 29 at 3pm The Third Annual Clark Library Halloween Party! -&- November 6 at 3pm The…
Read MoreItem of the Week: A Clark Tribute to Gloria Stuart
Published: October 1, 2010From Albany Bautista, Library Assistant: Gloria Stuart, actress, painter, printer and friend of the Clark Library, passed away September 27 at her home in Los Angeles at the age of 100. Ms. Stuart is best known for her role in Titanic, but she had an substantial early screen career making a total of 46 films…
Read MoreJust a reminder…
Published: September 30, 2010Are you planning on attending the opening reception for “California Publishing and the Fine Press Tradition, 1910-1970” on Tuesday, October 5, 2010? If so, plan to come a bit earlier. The librarians at the Clark will be showing some items from the library’s Press Collection that didn’t make it into the exhibition and discuss searching…
Read MoreItem of the Week: Photographing Gill
Published: September 23, 2010As a part of her job as Eric Gill Artwork Project Archivist at the Clark, Jennifer Bastian has been photographing and describing each piece in our somewhat unwieldy collection. When she’s done, her hard work will form the basis for a new online finding aid linked to the digital images, which will be enormously helpful…
Read MoreItem of the Week: Boehme and van Luyken mystery volume
Published: September 16, 2010An interesting item crossed our desks today… Blagochestivago i vysokoprosviï¸ e︡shchennago Iakoba Bema, tevtonicheskago filosofa, vsiï¸ e︡ teosoficheskiaï pisaniaï = Des Gottseligen Hocherleuchteten Iacob Böhmen Teutonici Philosophi alle Theosophische Schrifften. This is an interleaved collection of Jan van Luyken’s engravings, with their printed explanations, from the 1682 edition of Jakob Boehme’s Theosophische Schriften. The Clark Library purchased…
Read MorePress Collection show-and-tell
Published: September 15, 2010
Are you planning on attending the opening reception for “California Publishing and the Fine Press Tradition, 1910-1970” on Tuesday, October 5, 2010? If so, plan to come a bit earlier. The librarians at the Clark will be showing some items from the library’s Press Collection that didn’t make it into the exhibition and discuss searching…
Read MoreExhibition Opening! California Publishing & the Fine Press Tradition!
Published: September 13, 2010Exhibition Opening: California Publishing and the Fine Press Tradition 1910-1970 Tuesday, October 5, 2010, 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at The Clark Library The relation between publishing and literary activity, visual art, and modern book design is showcased in an exhibition of fine press works from the rich holdings of the Clark Library. Publishing and…
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