October 22nd: Mechanized Man Knows No Fancy

Published: October 12, 2010

Please join us at the Clark Library on October 22nd for a talk by Jennifer Bastian, who has been working on the Eric Gill Visual Archives Project, made possible by a generous grant from the DELMAS Foundation.  She will present images of the newly documented collection and discuss the process involved, as well as have Gill works on display.


Eric Gill (1882-1940) was a British typefaces designer, sculptor, stonemason and printmaker, active during the an Arts and Crafts era. His sculptural works can be seen as carved figures of Peace in The League of Nations building in Geneva, figures from Shakespeare on the BBC’s Broadcasting House in London, and many more.  Gill’s work with lettering can be found on your own computer, in the form of Gill Sans, his most popular typeface.

Talk begins in the drawing room at 3:00pm. Refreshments to follow.

Please RSVP via Doodle

For more information call 323-731-8529 or see a larger version of the above poster

For directions to the Clark, visit our website

Funding for this project provided by the DELMAS Foundation and the Center for 17th and 18th Century Studies at UCLA.

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