October 11th Open House and Exhibit Opening

Published: September 13, 2011

All Things New: An Open House at the Clark Library

Tuesday, October 11, 4:00pm

Please join the Center and Clark staff as we welcome our new director, Barbara Fuchs, and new head librarian, Gerald Cloud. Learn more about their visions for expanding programs and the Clark’s holdings, and be the first to view our new exhibition.

“All Things New: Imperialism and Impact”
October 11–December 20, 2011

The history of the world is one of greed, jealousy, warfare, and slavery. It is also one of curiosity, exploration, scholarship, ingenuity, and determination. Drawing on the Clark Library’s wealth of materials from the sixteenth century to the present, “All Things New: Imperialism and Impact” will take up and treat universal themes related to colonialism and imperialism in diverse places around the globe, from Colonial America to India, Africa, Ireland, and the Caribbean. The exhibition will consider the multiplicity of ways that empire building has influenced travel and description of faraway lands, printing and publishing (including the challenges to typography posed by new alphabets and languages), capitalism and greed, fashion and decorative arts, foodways and customs, religion, nationalism and rebellion.

Curated by Rebecca Fenning Marschall and Nina Schneider

Please RSVP by October 3rd by sending an email to c1718cs@humnet.ucla.edu, and include your name and the number of people attending

photograph by Duff Tatian

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