Item of the Week: Witchy Recap

Published: October 29, 2010

Instead of featuring something new this week, we thought it would be appropriate to highlight some of the more ghostly and ghouly items we’ve featured before, in honor of Halloween.

Cover of The Undead

The Undead
A product of the rare book dealer John Kevin McLaughlin, The Undead is the culmination of his years selling vintage comics, pulp fiction and rare Science Fiction/Fantasy titles from his (now closed) museum-like store, ‘The Book Sail’ in Orange, California.

An image from Sibley's Treatise on Witchcraft

A Turn of the Screws: Ebenezer Sibley’s A Treatise on Witchcraft
Itself a transcription of another manuscript based on Edward Fairfax’s Daemonologia (1621), Sibley’s manuscript relates the narrative of two young girls bewitched by a coven of malicious witches.

A Mantichore, from Topsell's Historie

Monsters and Mammals: Edward Topsell’s Historie of Foure-Footed Beastes
This historie describes animals familiar to Topsell, as well as those he probably heard about second-hand, including both real and imaginary creatures.

The grave of Snooks

The Clark Ghosts, Revealed: Ghoulies and Ghosties
Although never seen (well, maybe once but under dubious circumstances), the ghost has been heard. From footsteps running up the stairs (heard by a staff member who knew he was the only one in the library), to doors being slammed as one is closing the library for the night, to the mezzanine doors slowly opening even though there is no one on that level, most of the Clark staff has experienced at least one of these phenomenon during their time at the library.

The resting place of Mr Clark and family

The Clark Mausoleum and Dia de Los Muertos and Mr Clark
The Hollywood Forever Cemetery on Santa Monica Boulevard in Hollywood is the resting place of scores of Los Angeles luminaries, from movie stars to the Otis and Chandler families of the LA Times. It is also the resting place of our library’s founder, William Andrews Clark, Jr.

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