Item of the Week: Nina Schneider!

Published: October 14, 2010

It was with bittersweet feelings that the Clark Library bid adieu to Bruce Whiteman at the end of August. The dust has settled a bit and we thought it was time to let you know that the Clark’s Head Cataloger, Nina Schneider, is interim Head Librarian.  Nina has been at the Clark for three years, cataloging our rare books, as well as printed works in the press collection. She is an active member of ACRL’s Rare Books and Manuscripts Section and the Southern California chapter of the American Printing History Association.

“This is really a wonderful opportunity,” she replied, when asked about her new responsibilities. “Of course, I couldn’t do it without the help and collective wisdom of the Clark and Center staff.”

Feel free to contact Nina with any questions you might have, any donations you’d like to make, or any suggestions you’d like to offer at

In the meantime, we wish Bruce all the best on his new adventures in Grinnell, Iowa.


Mr Clark & Bruce during Bruce's farewell lunch



Lewis H. Whitaker on

Gosh, Mr. Clark, for an old dude you look GREAT!

Best wishes Bruce!


Scott J. on

Does Mr. Clark know that everyone can see him now? I was watching “Being Human” and they say that ghosts can be seen by humans when they are getting ready to leave to the hereafter. Don’t go Mr. Clark!

Carol on

A bittersweet parting indeed! Bruce will be missed by a great many people worldwide, myself included, but this is a terrific opportunity for Nina, in whom we all have great confidence.

I must have been asleep, as I didn’t notice Mr. Clark’s presence. But it’s great to know he was there, enjoying the festivities.

Debora on

The Clark blog is called the Clog? Really?

But hey, congratulations, Nina!

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