Please welcome the Clark Library’s new interns for 2013-2014

Published: December 5, 2013

By Nina M. Schneider, Head Cataloger

Once again, the Clark is lucky to host two interns from UCLA’s Department of Information Studies, Patricia Garcia and Kate Papageorge. Both students will be here for the academic year focusing on the library’s Press collection and archive. Specifically, they will be processing and cataloging items in the Ward Ritchie and Patrick Reagh collections. The book cataloging will focus on Ward Ritchie’s library which includes antiquarian books, printed ephemera, serials, specimens, and realia focused on printing, typography, and book history that Ritchie collected during his lifetime and bequeathed to the Clark in 2005.


Patricia Garcia is a PhD candidate with previous experience in archival processing and cataloging of digital resources and photographs. Pat comes to us from Austin, Texas where she earned her Bachelor’s from St. Edward’s University and her Master’s at the University of Texas, Austin, both in English Literature. She just completed her MLIS degree from UCLA. She is fluent in Spanish and swam in the ocean for the first time last weekend.

In her application, Pat explained her interest in this internship:

When I entered the archival studies PhD program in the Department of Information Studies at UCLA, I decided that I wanted to earn an MLIS degree as I completed my PhD. Thus, I have been simultaneously taking masters and doctoral level courses in the department for the past two years. The ability to participate in classes at both levels has revealed a difference in professional expectations regarding one’s relationship to theory and practice. When I sit in a doctoral level course, the conversation revolves around theory and abstract ideas about the significance of information objects and institutions, such as the role of archives in society. When I sit in a master’s level course, the conversation is practice-­‐based and highly particular, such as the appropriate subject headings to use when cataloging a particular material.

However, since my terminal degree will be a PhD, I am often advised not to worry about the particulars of practice; I’m told, “You don’t need to know that kind of stuff. Worry more about the theory and research.” I disagree. How can an archival studies scholar develop effective theory, teach courses to future practitioners, and undertake worthwhile research projects if they don’t understand the everyday realities of working in an archive or special collections library?

We can offer Pat lots of reality! Her first task was to intellectually reorganize the Ward Ritchie archive before adding more materials that haven’t yet been processed. She’s now working on cataloging Ritchie’s printed collection and enhancing records of duplicate copies already in the library.


Kate Papageorge is a second-year MLIS student who has already had a taste of the cataloging world. After receiving degrees in Dance from Saddleback College and Linguistics from UC Santa Cruz, Kate participated in the Library Technology Program at Palomar College in San Marcos. She worked for a while at the San Diego County Library before starting at UCLA. In addition to studying full-time and participating in the Clark’s internship program, she volunteers once a week at the Museum of Natural History’s library, helping with some cataloging, preservation re-housing, and reference requests.

Kate’s interest in history, literature, fine press, and bibliographic description guided her to focus on library special collections and rare books. During this internship she will be organizing, arranging, and describing the Patrick Reagh collection, as well as cataloging the printed works from Ward Ritchie’s bequest. Kate became engaged over the Thanksgiving weekend, which, as she says, is her “favorite news of the week.”

Please make sure to say hello to Pat & Kate the next time you are here.

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