Clark Library: Baby Possum Rescue Center?

Published: May 22, 2010

The Clark’s reading room and a couple of its offices have deep window wells, open to the basement level from the ground floor.  They regularly trap small mammals who fall into them unawares, perhaps when being chased by a large bird or even by one of the Clark cats (ahem).  In the last month, the reading room window wells have been frequented by two baby possums (or maybe one, who made the same mistake twice).  Luckily for us, Eric Gill Project Archivist Jennifer Bastian has been there to save the day both times.  This latest baby possum visited us on Friday afternoon, right at the end of the day.

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Christine Hill on

Jennifer: Maybe you should archive him/her so that next time you’ll know if it’s the same one!

Jamie on

I think he’d be just the right size to bed down in a letter size regular Hollinger box — the flap would be just right to keep the cats out!

Bob on

“This photo shows the victim moments before she was mauled by the mother possum, who experts say had been frantically searching for her baby all day.”

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