
Published: June 24, 2011



 We are delighted to welcome Dr. Gerald W. Cloud as the new Head Librarian of the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library at the University of California, Los Angeles. Gerald is replacing Bruce Whiteman, who retired in the Fall of 2010.

For the past four years, Dr. Gerald Cloud has served Columbia University as Curator for Literature in the University’s Rare Book & Manuscript Library, and as Lecturer in English and Comparative Literature, where he taught courses on bibliography and the History of the Book. Before taking that position, Dr. Cloud served as Reference and Instruction Librarian at the Mandeville Special Collection Library at UC San Diego (2005-2007). He earned his Ph.D. in English Literature at the University of Delaware (2005), where he also worked as Associate Curator for the Mark Samuels Lasner Collection. Since 2004, he has served as a Lab Instructor for an introductory course on the principles of bibliographical description at the University of Virginia’s Rare Book School. In 2010, he published John Rodker’s Ovid Press: a Bibliographical Study (Oak Knoll Press). A California native, Gerald is thrilled to return to California, and honored to take his position at the Clark, beginning August 15, 2011.

We thank Nina Schneider for serving as Interim Head Librarian during this transition.

We are also pleased to welcome Dr. Barbara Fuchs as the new Director of the UCLA Center for 17th- and 18th-Century Studies, which oversees the Library’s operations.

For more information about the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, please visit:

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