Good-bye and Good Luck!

Published: June 17, 2013

aquino_gonzalezOn Wednesday, June 12, 2013, our interns were invited to participate in the quarterly CFPRT presentations on campus. The Center for Primary Research and Training is a program in the Young Research Library that introduces graduate students to the world of archival processing. The other five presenters were PhD candidates in disciplines that ranged from English to Ethnomusicology to Medical Anthropology. We might be a little prejudiced, but we think that they both gave the doctoral students a run for their money.


Daniella Aquino has spent her time at the Clark digging into the Hannah More material. The individual manuscripts have been cataloged separately, as have the broadsides from the Cheap Repository Tracts. In the next few weeks, collection-level records will be available for the printed pamphlets. Gloria Gonzalez has processed the Richard Popkin papers and a finding aid will be available on the Online Archive of California in the couple of weeks. Popkin’s library of antiquarian books is being cataloged and many records are already available through the UCLA Library catalog.


In addition to the presentation, both Daniella and Gloria curated an exhibition of the materials which will be on view at the Clark Library throughout the summer. Please contact us for an appointment to see these interesting exhibitions.

All good things must come to an end, and unfortunately, we will be saying adieu to our interns at the end of June. On behalf of everyone at the Clark Library, we wish them all the best in their future endeavors. We know that they will both make significant impacts in the library world — whether they pursue rare book cataloging, archival processing, curating, public service, digital initiatives, or continuing scholarship. The knowledge and hands-on experience they’ve developed over the past 30 weeks should give them a competitive edge as they pursue their careers. We thank them for their hard work, professionalism, and good cheer!


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